Mental Health Presentations
Our clinical Grief and Loss intern offers a variety of presentations related to grief and loss and suicide awareness and prevention. To request a presentation please complete the online form below and we will contact you to schedule your presentation and discuss specific details related to your request.
Current Presentations
- It's Real: College Students and Mental Health
This presentation, created by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, will include a video viewing and short discussion. The 17-minute video “conveys that depression and other mental health conditions are real illnesses that can be managed through specific treatments and interventions. It encourages students to be mindful of the state of their mental health, to acknowledge and recognize when they are struggling and to take steps to seek help.”
- Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention
This presentation, created by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, covers the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention, and what people can do to fight suicide. Participants will learn common risk factors and warning signs associated with suicide, and how to keep themselves and others safe.
- Grief and Loss
Grief is something that we all have or will experience. Despite this, it’s hard for our society to talk about. This presentation is focused on what grief is, what mourning looks like and what support is needed and available for those who have experienced a death of a loved one, another type of loss, or a life transition.
- Stress Management
Feeling stressed about stress? This presentation is focused on what stress is, how to recognize it, and ways to reduce stress. Activities allow for collaboration with others in the room to help find the best solutions for everyone present.
- Transitioning from Academia to the Workplace
About to graduate? This presentation discusses common workplace stressors, the stages of transitioning from a student to a worker/practitioner and healthy coping skills to use during this transition.
Request a Presentation Form
Please complete this form to request a mental health presentation.
Other Mental Health Trainings
Oklahoma State University provides a wide selection of non-professional training programs in mental health throughout campus. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in these training programs free of charge to help foster an atmosphere of support for the students we serve.